Old ways for new days...
An in-depth 12-month course intended to awaken us to our spiritual passions, to discover our own unique way of living in balance upon Mother Earth in harmony with all of creation.
Join us as we take a deep and meaningful journey around the Medicine Wheel. Learn and practice Earth-based spirituality and connect with your personal helping spirits.
We will demonstrate the relevance of traditional values and practices, the “Old Ways”, and integrate teachings that enrich our daily lives.
• Understanding our place in the Sacred Hoop
• Practicing good Energy Hygiene and Protection
• Clearing Spiritual Intrusions
• Working with Crystals and Plant Medicines
• Practicing Sacred Ceremonies
Each Session is meticulously curated to build on concepts and allow hands-on practice to apply what we have learned.
This is not a weekend workshop. It is a transformative journey to reconnect with the natural world, both seen and unseen.
Sessions are spread throughout the year providing ample time to process and integrate the new way of being into our daily lives.
The music is playing…
will you join the dance?
* Please contact the Event Coordinators for course curriculum and prices. This is an advanced 12 month course with monthly in person sessions and at home practice. Course workbook and handouts included in the cost of the program. Supplemental reading materials and personal supplies are the responsibility of program participants.
601 E Seltice Way, Suite 206, Post Falls, ID 83854, USADirections
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