The Akashic Records are all of the information of all of life on Earth as recorded in the Etheric Plane of Collective Consciousness. This class will teach you how to access and read your own Records and the Akashic Records of others.
According to ancient Sanskrit and the Ancient Mystery Schools, the Akasha energy field that is present around and connected to the Earth is where the Akashic Records are located. These records are tended by ancient, ethereal beings that exist to serve in the evolution of mankind. All ideas, thoughts, actions, and deeds of all of life on Earth are recorded in the Akashic Records. It is a record of an individual’s Soul history and Soul’s potential. The past, present and future are recorded in the Akashic Records however, the future is in constant flux, depending on an individual’s choices, at any given time in their life and/or over the course of other lifetimes.
Some individuals are naturally ‘tuned into’ this energy field and are able to read the Records innately, as a Soul gift. Others are able to connect with the guardians and guides of Akasha to read the Records. Those who are not naturally adept at reading the information are still able to access it through a unique and wonderful “Akashic Prayer’ that was developed by a friend of mine, Linda Howe, over 25 years ago. (If you’d like to get a head start on the class you can order her book, ‘How to Read the Akashic Records’ from 2006)
This 4-hour course will help participants more fully define and understand the Akashic energy field; teaching a variety of ways to bring forth their innate abilities to access the Records. Those who need further assistance in fully accessing the Records will be given Linda Howe’s Akashic Prayer to use. All participants will experience a feeling capability and ease in accessing their own records and the records of other participants in the class. This class is designed as not only a self-help tool, but as a tool to use to assist others in their own evolution and life journey. The information contained in the Records is incredibly useful in creating greater self-awareness and promoting more rapid personal growth. What a wonderful way to be of even greater service to Mother Earth!
601 E Seltice Way, Suite 206, Post Falls, ID 83854, USADirections
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